Callaway Golf Fitness

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Callaway Golf Fitness

Opening hours

27W270 Mack Rd, Studio D, Wheaton, IL, 60189

Custom Session


30-minute Complimentary Consultation

. Duration:30 mins·

Complimentary Screening

. Duration:30 mins

Custom Training Session

. Duration:1 hr


Paul Callaway received his degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and became a licensed Physical Therapy in 1982.
•From 1984-1987, Paul Callaway was the 'first' Director of Golf Fitness for the PGA Tour.
•In 1991, Paul Callaway authored, Body Balance for Performance - The Complete Golf Health and Fitness Training Program.
•In 2000, Dr. Callaway earned his PhD in golf-specific Sports Physiology.
•Dr. Callaway created Callaway Golf Fitness and became the Director of Golf Fitness at the Cantigny Golf Academy in 2008.
•Dr. Callaway has helped over 15,000 juniors, men and women, amateurs and professionals alike ... achieve improved levels of golf-specific fitness, accelerated performance results and reduced injury potential.
•Over the past 30 years, Dr. Callaway's proven, state-of-the-art techniques and philosophies have helped revolutionize the golf fitness industry.
